“Sukh Dukh Ke Sathi” Sanstha(SDKS) celebrated its 5th birthday on 4th Oct’2015 in the Community Hall of Chitrakoot Appts, Plot-9, Sector-22, Dwarka. The Chief Guest was Shri Ravi Kalra(Karma Yogi), Founder & President of The Earth Saviours Foundation. Shri Gulab Singh, MLA, Matiala was the Guest of Honour. Among the distinguished guests were Shri K.K.Bhalla,President, Chitrakoot CGHS Ltd, Shri Sushil Kumar, President Dwarka Forum, Shri Mukesh Sinha, Socio- Political Activist of Dwarka Ms. Cicely Kodian, President, ANLGT,Shri Dewan Singh, Member, appointed by LG New Delhi on the Committee of DDA for Revival of water Bodies of Dwarka, Dr. P.K. Datta, President, Greenolutions India. Large number of guests from various CGHS of Sec-22 &23 were also present.

Celebrations started with lighting lamp by distinguished guests,followed by Sarswati Vandana by Sh. P.B.Mishra,Secretary .Col. Chowdhary,Jt Secretary, introduced the Chief Guest to the audience by giving his profile in brief.Capt. S.S. Mann, Vice President, narrated the back ground/history of SDKS and also the democratic, consultative way the Sanstha operates in accomplishing the social activities from time to time. Shri Shashi Kapoor, General Secretary ,gave details of activities carried during the year(Oct’14 to Sept’15),issues pending/in pipe line and the road ahead for next year(Oct’15 to Sept’16). Issues which required attention of Mr. Gulab Singh were like DTC Bus Q Shelters in Sector-8,9,20,21,22 &23, installation of Dust Bins on main roads as well as back lanes, Old Age Home in Sec-8 to be made operational, beautification of cremation ground in Sector-24,earmark specific area as an enclosure for putting /throwing used Puja material, solution to the problem relating to pet defection. Sh Gulab Singh asked for the list of these issues ,which was given instantly. He assured to take stock of each one of the issue raised & called us to visit his office after two weeks or so to review/move forward in achieving tangible results. In the ensuing year, Sh Kapoor stated that besides carrying regular socio work to “KEEP DWARKA GRREN & CLEAN “ Sanstha desires to adopt poor meritorious students to financially support towards fee and cost of books, arrange blood donation camp and awareness for donation of body organs, do KANNYA DAN of few orphanage girls etc.

Besides honouring Sh Dewan Singh for his contribution for revival of water bodies in Sector-20 and 23,Sanstha also felicitated the staff of BSES, Horticulture, MCD (Safai Karamchari) for their good work. Other feature of the celebration was, felicitating nine children of poor families from slum area for their continuing with the education. Celebrations were full of energy and spirit through the melody songs sung not only by few of the SDKS members but also from the audience, which was anchored by Mr. Ashok Sharma.
Chief Guest in his address appreciated the services being carried by “Sukh Dukh Ke Sathi” He touched about his life cycle and shared the sequence of events which made him “KARAM YOGI” to serve the humanity.
In the end, vote of thanks was given by Mr. D.Kuma. Welcome tea with snacks & lunch was served to all those present. The overall coordination for the event was done by Mr. D.C.Mathur, Jt. Secretary.