Auction Modi Suit Raises Questions on Blood Diamond `Havala` Industry & Nuclear Deal

Rakesh Manchanda

Narender Modi image is bailed out by this personalised suit auction reading Narender Damodardas Modi and the collected money as announced is to be used in already delayed Clean Ganga Project.

Thanks to the `face saver` Auction of the Honourable PM Modi suit at Rs.4,31,31000 or approx.Rs.4.31 crore. Auction was a farce. According to Gujarat media reports an `undated` cheque with the buyer amount was pre-planned and was ready in advance. The lucky Gujarati buyer is Lalji Patel father-son Diamond merchants in Surat.

Suit became viral in media spin and was chosen by PM Modi in his Equal preparedness to meet the President Obama and enter into India-US Nuclear deal.

Raja Nanga Hai-The King is Naked :

This suit story reminds many including me about a folk and a skit with a Title-The King is Naked where I was assigned the role to play the King in my school class 7th standard.

The king ordered the tailor to make a unique suit never woven and stitched before in the history. Tailor was so terrorised to deliver fast that in the end he chose to dress up the king with an invisible suit that made all people laugh.

Recent Budget-2015 by Modi Government tries to hide the Pro-Corporate Budget unborn laws to curb Black Money and punish the guilty. Media sincerity for a balanced budget approach for protecting the naked king is welcomed.

`Future` Laws yet to be tailored and shaped but used in Budget-2015 showcase story is a unique attempt to divert the real budget issues.

Blood Diamond Links With African Countries :

Let us talk only about Diamond Havala African Industry with the polishing and the cutting of rough diamonds in Surat. The history of diamond merchant scoops and their visit to various African countries in search of easy booty reveals a lot. Buyers appear with cash like a guerrilla dealer. They stay in one country for few days to fix the deal for raw diamonds with middlemen & politicians.Market buzz is they smuggle back the parcel by a partial declaration.

Blood Diamond film title is self explanatory.
143 minutes Hollywood American-German political war film of 2006 can help understand the Havala behind Diamonds Industry in simple entertaining educative fashion.

Diamonds mined in war zones are sold to finance war and diamond finishers across the world.

Set during the Sierra Leone Civil War 1996–2001,( now reeling under Ebola terror) the old film depicts a west African tiny country people apart by the struggle for power, greed, political unrest and diamond business by `Havala`. 

Film portrays many of the atrocities of war, including the rebels’ amputation of worker’s hands to discourage them from voting in elections and terrorising locals to harvest raw diamonds as slaves.

The film’s ending, in which a conference is held concerning blood diamonds, refers to a historic meeting that took place in Kimberley, South Africa in 2000. It led to development of the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme, which sought to certify the origin of rough diamonds in order to curb the trade in conflict diamonds, but has since been mostly abandoned as ineffective.

How Modi Bandhgala suit is bailed out by a Diamond merchant is still a mystery ?

Deal of Two Salesmen-Obama-Modi and Bandh Gala Pinstrips suit.
With Recession American President Obama is having a tough time meeting the standards, aspirations and life style of his American voters. Unlike Indian Politicians American President has to promote `Swaraj` and provide visible democracy by limited participation of US voters. What American Politicians miss to tell the American voters is that standard of life style they get has a bloody cost outside America.

What is the hidden cost of unsafe Power and untested Agriculture, Nuclear energy solutions pushed by America is still not known?

All American Presidents who visited India failed to address Bhopal gas disaster and did not mention the criminal trial of Late Anderson in India and Nuclear Disasters. See the America Protest Banner against their President.

President Obama for Nuclear take away is more transparent and honest when he says that American Uranium Corporate sellers will first examine the insurance gift of India for final transit of business to begin. For more interesting details see my past stories on this issue title:


Obama`Namaste`-Can it Help Friend India Grow Fast?

Citizens’ Statement against Capitulation to the US on Nuclear Liability

Delhi Muffler Man Vs London Imported Suit

AAP Govt. in Delhi Seva will Perform Better & Keep Modi Errors in check

PM Modi`s Unique Brand Suit for US-India Nuclear Deal

Hidden Havens & Stolen Money Management

Stop Corporate Match Fixing – Apply Cricket Swaraj.

What Indian PM fails to tell before selling a false dream of a superpower without measuring American tailored gap on GDP and its per capita income.

In the post Recession era even when 118 American banks are licking dust allow me to put the American In-House showcase straight:

Military strength of America :40 % of total world military spending.

Money control of America : 17% of total votes in IMF/World Bank.

GDP of USA is still number one- 15 Trillion dollars. 

Let us give a benefit of doubt to our PM Modi ji and request him to help India understand as to how the unequal nuclear deal with US shall make India equal and rich?

In a changing world there is no harm in getting friendly and closer to America but not a cost to harm 99% the pockets of majority citizens.

Independent business and foreign policy is a must with no compromise at the cost of India`s old gift to the world of low cost life saving medicines.

The biggest lesson of Blood Diamond, nuclear deal and the pinstripes personalised suit is that people must stop protecting the naked king if he fails to dress up faster.

(Author has Worked in African countries since 2006 and is monitoring future possibility of Swaraj in North India and Delhi.)