Safe Democratic & Transparent Holi in AAP is a must for its Health

Rakesh Manchanda

AAP is now called as a Boys Club. Boys need to grow up fast and use safe colors of Holi. 

Many AAP supporters from Delhi and outside called me to share their humour asking as to why this PAC-Political Advisory Committee meet is not held up in a Public gaze in Ramleela grounds. Many feel AAP is not a private asset.

Right To Information War to project truth started 6 months ago in the two year old infant AAP.

Internal Lokpal Directives followed by a leak of Letters to media was the turning point.

Rtd. Navy Admiral Ramdas the independent ombudsman or internal Lokpal of AAP was concerned about the inner administrative in AAP.

Instead of patching up serious gaps in inner democracy in line with pending and delayed publicly aired promises, Arvind Kejriwal subordinates in PAC focused on who leaked the letters and why ?

Pro-Kejriwal members have shown a `stick` of punishment to AAP valuable critiques engaged in a healthy discussion in Political Advisory Committee.

Result ? Prashant Bhushan and Yogender Yadav two seniors PAC were kicked out or in a `polite` poetic language relieved from their duties in PAC.

What is the role of a PAC-Political Advisory Committee?
As per Dr.Onkar Mittal-an activist in Trilokpuri, PAC green signal means use of political public pressure tactics like engaging Public attention via posters, campaign, protests and so on.The target is to firefight and to settle governance conflicts including Jansunvai-Peoples Parliament by inviting the police, MCD and other government organs engaged to serve the Public.

Political Advisory Committee in AAP can give teeth to AAP to chalk out future map for Police-Public or MCD or Health Ministry engagements.

Many works and serious cases in Delhi as summed by me and many others stand freezed. Old excuse remains that Police is not under Delhi Govt. control.

PAC arrogant win with 8/11 votes resulting in forced expulsions of two members gives a clear message-

“We can do what we like.”.

The old system promoters advocate that this act is normal and natural and AAP political party must follow this world wide pattern of politicians dictatorship conduct for speed delivery.

Prashant Bhushan views in media on the issue of AAP expansion outside Delhi are bang on target-“Allow State units to decide in line with the Swaraj mindset rather than the centre bulldozing the views.”

The excuse of party discipline with speed delivery on the media channels stands weak in absence of inner democracy and needs to be challenged inside politically.

What went wrong in PAC on 4th. Feb. ?
All members in PAC-AAP unlike traditional parties work hard and are real honest.Original first hand experiences are lacking in the immature Arvind loyalists that voted 11 against 8 and the Lokpal directives still stand ignored.

PAC loaded with ego was not ready to accommodate the healthy competition for AAP betterment as pointed in the news bites spilling over in media.

This attitude happened because of misuse of power and fear for each other.

Hope remains that the leader AK-67 will filter and resolve the weak habits of his immature colleagues who show weak signs of blame game on AAP national assets.

“I am sad and hurt “-attitude of AK will never help to unite as he silently allowed PAC to divide the unity of AAP sevaks.

Buzz among the supporters is there that AK has excellent skills to overcome and correct his old style of `pick and choose` functioning.

It is unfortunate this event exposes the weak immunity system of few leaders who gave a war cry in media in line with Modi Model vocabulary with words like ultra left, Naxal, Kashmir issue and revolt mongers and so on.

Then there are set of election campaign managers who take pride in their RSS tags.

The point which the supporters and fund providers wish to make is when AAP is a party where the ideology tags of ultra left or right are not workable or are claimed to be outdated then why the environment for betterment is not broomed by the top torch bearers for over six months ?

“Kindly allow AAP supporters to identify the difference between a volunteer and a worker and help them to strengthen their sense of belonging to AAP”-chips in Ajay Sharma a party worker from Dehradun.

Another volunteer Sanjay Bhatt is sad to share that party cares only for those who are self dependent and can spend money on AAP promotion.

Dipak Dholakia in East Delhi is sad and concerned. He paid Rs.5000 on 3rd.Feb. in a hope for better AAP and along with Dilip Simeon the collective appeal is as under.

Thanks to AAP churning. Many persons in various traits are coming together on the same wavelength. Sample the signature campaign appeal of Aman Sharma from Okhla-

“It is our party, not party of owned by a few people, and we must all control which direction it takes.
I just signed the petition “Arvind Kejriwal: AAP Volunteers Seek Proof against Shri Yogendra Yadav & Shri Prashant Bhushan because Of Which They Have Been Expelled From The PAC” .

See How Inner Democracy in AK-67 Delhi new empowerment can serve better via following links

Note : Above inputs are based on day to day feedback at Ground Zero.

We all know many wounds of Delhi voters are not healing since 49 days last AAP Govt. followed by the forced President (9 month) Rule by Modi Model.

Voters want results and no emotional blackmail. Result can only be delivered collectively if the fault lines are patched up with better team responsibilities oiled by an inner democracy which is possible only in AAP like phenomenon.

Common people who are not post holders in AAP need to initiate.Delhi wallas are the real masters, tax payers and voters and fund providers. People have a right to see the disha and dasha-State and direction of the political command controlled by PACs of the political parties which they support.