Solve all your MCD related problem and issues

MCD seeks the assistance of citizens in monitoring garbage collection sites across Delhi. Please see the tabs on the page “Know your Area” and “Services” and post your complaints, preferably with a photograph, though that is not essential.

Submit your complaint, problems, issues…


Hope this system will continue and win the faith of public…

Dwarka Parichay wishes all the best and hope MCD will follow and update problems and issues of public.

All Govt. agency should have this system of information/ problems sharing. 
This will develop trust and transparency in public about various agencies…


We welcome citizen participation in monitoring the garbage collection sites in Delhi. There are 2500 of them. Please look at the “Services” tab and the “Know your area” tab for information on what the services being monitored are.

For other issues, please use our other existing channels of complaints:

For control room numbers

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