HomeNews-Events Dwarka9th BLOOD DONATION CAMP BY DWARKALAYA in DWARKA 9th BLOOD DONATION CAMP BY DWARKALAYA in DWARKA DwarkaParichay.com August 16, 2012 News-Events Dwarka, Organization-NGO, Update, Useful Informations Dwarkalaya(Regd.) in association with the Rotary Club of Delhi South East is organizing 9th Blood Donation Camp Date: Sunday 19, August 2012 Time: 10 AM to 3 PM Venue: Sector 6 Market, Dwarka. All are requested to attend the camp and donate blood to save the humanity. Related Posts रोप स्किपिंग खिलाडी बच्चे अंतर्राष्ट्रीय स्तर पर भारत का गौरव अवश्य बढ़ायेंगे : प्रो.अरुण भगत Playboy Girl Shanti Dynamite Indian Savita Barbie walks the Cannes Red Carpet Career Mentor – career guide booklet for 10+2 students Republic Day Quotes by &TV Artists 2nd International Conference On Human Rights मां बनने से कोई गुरेज नहीं हैः तब्बू Actor Manish Raishinghani and Actress Avika Gor got French touch Happy Birthday- Jitesh Saharan Ramlila Dwarka @Sector-11 DIWALI MELA Jigyasa making debut with Bewajah movie HiStory repeats…wait n watch Radhika Apartment, Dwarka celebrated Independence Day Principal & Teachers felicitated jointly by Dwarka Parichay & Society for Creatives (Regd.) संपूर्णा ने मिशन शक्ति अभियान द्वारा किशोरियों एवं महिलाओं को सशक्त बनाया आरजेएस की बैठक में टीजेएपीएस केबीएसके कर्मियों ने राजेंद्र नाथ लाहिड़ी को दी श्रद्धांजलि Musical Tribute to Kishore Kumar by Sursanjeevani CHOOL Movie Out NOW (1st Part) Kind Attn. Delhi Police: Chain Snatching are BACK in Dwarka… A team of 50 DU professors helping Prof Kiran Walia in her campaign