IAC visit to MCD (SW) office for “Say No to Bribe” campaign

IAC  West Delhi team including Shri Yashwant Prakash, Shri AK singh, Shri Shashikant and other volunteers visited MCD  South West  Zone office at Nazafgarh yesterday 18 Oct 2011, as part of “Say No to Bribe”  campaign. Say No to Bribe campaign aims at persuading Government officials to not to indulge in corruption and creating an environment of corruption free functioning in their offices to provide efficient services to the citizens.
On Monday 17 Oct 11 IAC West Delhi Coordinator Shri Yashwant Prakash  had discussed the visit and its purpose with the MCD Deputy Commissioner South West Zone,  Shri R C Garg. Accordingly a time of 4:00 PM on  Tuesday 18 Oct 11 was decided  for the visit since most of the senior officials would be available on that day.
Though the deputy commissioner was not available in the office, IAC team interacted with all other officials available including the Assistant Commissioner Shri Dilip Singh. Each official signed up a “Declaration form” affirming that he/ she would contribute in progress of the country and neither accept bribe nor will give bribe. He/ she would also ensure that his colleagues or subordinates did not indulge in taking or giving bribe.
A blank form and a badge were handed over to the PA of the Deputy Commissioner with a request to fill the form on his return to the office. A blank form and badge were also handed over to the PA of the Chairman, Wards committee, Shri Mohan Singh who left office before the IAC team could reach his room. 
Shri Yashwant Prakash described the interaction cordial. It was heartening to see the officials readily agreeing with the cause and coming forward to sign the declaration form. An Anna cap and a badge were given as memento to officials who signed the declaration forms. Large stickers of “No Bribe” were pasted in the offices prominently.
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