The Executive Internet gag order would subject everything we do or post online to big brother control. A motion to scrap the odious law has been introduced in Parliament, but MPs must challenge it within 6 sessions and this Friday is probably our last chance to stop it!
India has 55 million Internet users. Let’s raise a massive alarm to back this critical motion and remind our MPs that they are there to serve our interests and protect our freedoms. Send an urgent message now to key MPs to support the motion and tell everyone:
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The next time we compose a witty tweet or post an edgy item on Facebook, it may be taken down. Under the government’s new web rules, ISPs will be forced to remove any posting that is loosely termed as “grossly harmful”,”harassing”, “blasphemous” or even “disparaging”!
Police need a search warrant to enter our homes, but with these new rules, ISPs will be given the power of search and entry into our digital homes without a warrant or due process of law. The outrageous law is already in force, but any executive order can be reviewed by parliament within 6 sessions — and the 6th session ends in just days.
These rules undermine our civil liberties that are safeguarded under Article 19 of the Constitution of India and essential to a vibrant, democratic society. It’s the first — and last — tangible option for citizens to stop the Internet censorship, and our MPs have bowed to a wave of public pressure before. Let’s embolden them to stand up for Internet freedom and annul the gag order. Send a message now:
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Internet freedom has been under attack worldwide, but we’ve shown we can win by beating back Internet gag laws like PIPA, SOPA and ACTA. Now it’s time to save India’s Internet freedom from this unconstitutional attack on our basic rights and invasion on our privacy. Internet freedom is a key indication of the strength of a modern democracy. This is our last chance, let’s make sure we use it.
With hope,
Dalia, David, Antonia, Alice, Ricken, Emily and the whole Avaaz team