Tourism plays an important role in the socio-economic development of a country. It brings together people from varied cultures and strata of society together. As part of the ISA Project- ‘Dream, Explore, Discover…’ the students of classes XI & XII of The Indian Heights School, Dwarka, participated in a collaborative project dealing with famous tourist places of Greece and India with their counterpart from Dokuas School in Greece.

The main aim of this project was to explore tourist destinations of Greece and India and to get an overview on the role played by tourism in the economic growth of a country. The project helped the students to gain an in-depth knowledge and understanding of the importance of tourism which bridges the gap between nations. They were able to evaluate and analyse various strategies used to promote tourism. This helped our students  to think critically and it brought out their creativity and communication skills.  They were also able to appreciate the aesthetic beauty and understand the history behind the tourist destinations.