Promod Chawla


In a democracy, the people who really matter…who should be in charge of their destiny…who must be involved in governance…who should have the power to ensure justice and fair play are Citizens.

We believe That all good people should work together to fight the menace that is destroying our democracy. We encourage collaborative effort, exchange of ideas and information to enhance the effectiveness

of each other’s initiatives.  
Our Vision:Our vision is a vibrant India where the benefits of progress are enjoyed by all citizens, not just a
privileged few.   

Empowering Citizen 
1. Citizens are requested to stay engaged in the process of governance throughout the term of
 the 15th Lok Sabha by setting priorities on a variety  of issues so that the policies of the government, planning and execution is focused on your requirements as well as being based upon 
consultation with you. 

2. Every attempt must be made to ensure that the forth coming elections are fair and free.

NNFI PROGRAMS Some of the key projects on hand are listed below. We plan to strengthen our ‘get together for India’ concept through a better secretarial support. This effort is constrained by lack of finance. We will either resurrect VSI project or partner with another like minded group. 1 Get Together For India (GTI) – Information Exchange project for connecting and networking via partner NGOs and like minded activists. The objective being to share experience and replicate success. 2 Vote Smart For India – information on election candidates and elected legislators. Used for informing the voter of candidates antecedents and thus make an informed choice. During the term of those elected it will monitor performance and enable citizens to hold their representative accountable for delivery. 3 Adult illiteracy eradication program – aimed at adults who have not learnt to read or write, it teaches using a TCS software and a computer donated by NNFI members. 4 Lend A Hand For India – voluntary help campaigns. 5 National Initiative on Electoral Reforms. This aims to raise the profile of the changes required in the electoral process to stem the increase of criminals in Parliament – 133 in the 14th Lokh Sabha, This is a current primary focus and for this a large grassroots pressure has to built on political parties and individual politicians, so that tickets are not distributed to know criminals. For this campaign immediate donor help is necessary – approximately 25th lakhs for banners, public meetings etc. 6 Launches web based initiative to give citizens a platform for voicing their priorities 7 Launches web based initiative for free and fair elections for use in Delhi Assembly elections and others 8 Launches web based initiative for citizens of Delhi to provide feedback to civic agencies for their problems 9 Participates in a national campaign “Ban Criminals From Legislatures” 10 Initiates movement for Police Reforms with CHRI. 11 Initiates action against the CWG Scam.

Contact Address: 
NNFI, 131 - 132, Som Dutt Chambers 1, 
5 Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi 110066  
Tel: (9111) 65684505/26161246/26563394, Fax: (9111) 26182867 

 The National Network For India Trust is a registered trust with an 80G exemption. 

We depend on your contribution for our functioning.  Please contribute generously.