In an effort to further strengthen commercial and economic ties between Afghanistan and India as well as boost Afghan Agriculture exports into South Asia, more than 50 Afghan export firms will be coming to India to explore business relationship and showcase their products at Two day ‘’MADE IN AFGHANISAN; NATURE’S BEST’ meet to be held in New Delhi on July 13 & 14, 2018.

More than 500 Indian companies will be meeting the Afghan delegation to forge new business connections and discuss potential investment opportunities.

During the Two day “Made in Afghanistan: Nature’s Best” meet Afghanistan’s finest fruits, nuts and spices will be on display for Indian buyers with an aim at boost Afghan agricultural exports in India and other South Asian countries Funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the Two day meet will give Indian commercial importers an opportunity to connect with Afghan exporters and explore business relationships.

“The July 13-14 Indo Afghan event in New Delhi will feature more than 50 Afghan export firms showcasing their products. Agriculture plays a significant role in Afghanistan’s economy. According to the World Bank, more fresh and dried fruits are exported from Afghanistan than any other products. Fruit exports grew at a rate of 208 percent from 2012 to 2015, while nut exports grew at a rate of 73 percent during the same period.

“Our agriculture export growth is likely to continue as South Asian economies expand and as Afghanistan’s trade environment continues to improve,” said Naseer Ahmad Durrani, Minister of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock.

The event underscores the growing economic interconnection between the two countries. Last year, Afghan President Ghani implemented air cargo incentives that led to the first direct air shipments of Afghan produce into the Indian airports of New Delhi and Mumbai.

A collaboration with the Afghanistan Chamber of Commerce and Industries (ACCI), the event is being organized by USAID’s Commercial Horticulture and Agricultural Marketing Program (CHAMP). Other USAID programs contributing to the event include Regional Agricultural Development Projects East and North and Promoting Value Chain – West.

ACCI CEO Atiqullah Nusrat said: “The collaboration of CHAMP and USAID with ACCI in creating these trade events will benefit the Afghan exporters and lead to future events.” CHAMP is implemented by Roots of Peace, a humanitarian non-profit organization

India-Afghanistan trade is currently over USD 700 million and grew by 30% due to opening of dedicated air freight corridor service. India’s main export items to Afghanistan are textiles, pharmaceuticals, tobacco, iron & steel and electrical machinery, while its imports from Afghanistan are fruits and nuts, gums and resins, coffee, tea and spices. Ahead of the festive season purchases of Dry Fruits, this initiative will boost Indo-Afghan trade ties further.