A safer and Healthier option for those who want to quit smoking Tobacco free organic cigarettes is the safe way out to light up.

Tobacco and Nicotine free Organic cigarettes made with all the organic ingredients like the blend of holy basil, camellia sinensis, rose petals, mint leave mixed and rolled into virgin paper tipped with a cotton filter are the main attraction at the Three day Biofach India, the largest event of organic agriculture and organic food sector of India organized jointly by the NurnbergMesse India and Agricultural Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA) a statutory body under Ministry of Commerce, Government of India which concluded here at Greater Noida Today.

”Organic smokes camellia sinensis, a tea plant are 100% herbal with ingredients such as camellia sinensis, a tea plant and basil and do not contain tobacco or nicotine It has a tar out filter in order to make smoking an healthy experience and also provides therapy smoke which indicates relieves stress, anti jet lag, mood up lifter, relives cold & tobacco cessation. “said Mr Piyush Chabbra, who started Organic Smokes with his Two brothers Gaurav and Nitin .

 “Organic smokes are  made by mixing natural paper with a host of ingredients, including organically grown rose petals and spearmint leaves, and then rolled and tipped with a cotton filter and tar secretor mouth piece. This harmless mix can offer smokers the kind of relief they would otherwise seek in regular cigarettes, but without the accompanying health risks. It also helps in stress relief, coping better with jet lag, and is the perfect concoction against cold,”  claims Chabbra who was himself a heavy smoker.

This FDA-certified nicotine-free formula comes in three flavours – menthol, mild and regular and are priced between Rs 100 and Rs 300 per pack of 10 organic cigarettes. The company plans to export these healthy and safe cigarettes to other countries also

Other attraction at the organic fair are wooden based tooth brush made from Bamboo , reusable straw and ready to eat health foods .

More than 6000 delegates  comprising of Exporters, processors, retail chain industry, certification bodies and producers from India and abroad   participating in the Biofach 2019, the trade Fair-cum-Exhibition to discuss and have first-hand feel of the Indian organic products including tea, spices, honey, basmati rice, coffee, cereals, dry fruits, vegetables, processed foods and medicinal plant” said Mr Paban K Borthakur, chairman, Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA).

“As per the industry estimates, India organic agricultural products market is about 8500 crores. Exports account for nearly 60% at 5150 crore while domestic market is estimated at Rs 2500 crore. Compared to international trade of about 97 billion US$ Indian market seems to be very small but it is growing very fast. “he added