RWA’s demand standardisation of treatment cost in private hospitals Newsdesk

TMr. Arvind Kejriwal,
Chief Minister,
Delhi, New Delhi.

RWA’s – NGO’s – ACTIVIST’s‘SAVE OUR CITY’ CAMPAIGN Standardisation of Treatment Cost in Private Hospitals.

These are challenging times we are living in and resources are fast depleting. Citizens have dutifully acceded to Yours and the Prime Ministers call of Lockdown and have remained indoors. We are grateful that Essential Commodities have been made available, though in densely populated areas there were initial hiccups, later somewhat streamlined.However News and Social Media Reports about the plight of Covid-19 Patients, having to first struggle to get Tests and thereafter a Hospital Bed for treatment. The facilities at Government Hospitals, putting it mildly, are stretched. Tales of woes of those who land at Private Hospitals are no less distressing in absence of any Standardisation of Treatment Cost.WE REQUEST YOU TO PLEASE PASS AN URGENT ORDER TO STANDARDISE COST OF CONSUMABLES, MEDICINES & TREATMENT. OFCOURSE YOU MAY CLASSIFY TREATMENT INTO VARIOUS CATEGORIES AND FIX A LUMPSUM CHARGE BASIS A, B OR C CATEGORY SO THAT FAMILIES OF PATIENTS KNOW BEFORE HAND THE LEVEL OF FACILITIES THEY OPT FOR.Maharashtra Government has already passed an order for free treatment at Private Hospitals, we ask for no such unsustainable diktat. Reports coming about families being fleeced have transmitted further anxiety among Delhites and an order to Standardise costs will go a long way to allay fear of BOTH THE VIRUS AND THE THE TREATMENT ALIKE.Looking forward to a favourable urgent order for relief to the Citizens of Delhi who have large heartedly donated for rations for the stranded migrants, have paid salaries to their service staff andOn behalf of ‘SAVE OUR CITY’ Campaign.

Source: Varinder Arora