Andaman and Nicobar Day was, inaugurated by Lt Governor, Lt Gen. (Retd) Bhopinder Singh, PVSM, AVSM, by lighting the traditional lamp. He also visited the Andaman Pavilion and went around the stalls. The First Lady of the Islands, Smt Bhawanee Singh also graced the occasion. An impressive cultural programme, consisting of patriotic dance and songs, Chota Nagpur folk dance, skit on anti-terrorism, tribal folk dance and choreographed dance on Ramayana, showcasing the rich heritage of the country in general and Islands in particular was presented, which enthralled the audience.
Speaking on the occasion, the Lt Governor said that Andaman and Nicobar Day is an occasion which provides opportunity to showcase the natural beauty, historical places, unique cultural heritage, development activities, and local products of the Islands, to the people of the country and the world. Events like this generate positive vibes about the Islands, its varied and diverse peace loving people, their harmonious co-existence and, more than anything, its enormous potential to be known as a unique tourism destination in the
He further said “our Islands is a Mini India in true sense as people of all caste and religion live together in the Islands in peace and harmony. “Our Islands is a good example of unity in diversity and is a role model for the rest of the country, he added.
Referring to the issue of connectivity, he said lack of connectivity to the Islands have been addressed to a great extent. As of now, a number of flights operate directly from Delhi, alone, to Port Blair. The frequency of usual flights from Chennai and Kolkata are also increased at times, he said.” We have daily seaplane connectivity for tourists, from Port Blair to various Islands: We are the pioneers, in India, in seaplane tourism”, he said.
Referring to the tourism development projects, he said all the tourism-related projects are being taken up in a manner that the ecology of the Islands are not disturbed.” We are developing our beaches in a eco-friendly manner so that we do end up destroying our beaches”, he said.
He further said that the local handicrafts and local products are displayed in the stalls at the Andaman Pavilion. This is the best place, where we can display and sell out products. By participating in fairs , local artisans will acquire valuable skills, by learning new designs, which will help them greatly.
In his brief address, the Members of Parliament, Shri B.P.Ray described the Islands as a Mini India where people from all parts of the country live together in perfect peace and harmony. The function concluded with the vote of thanks proposed by the Secretary (IP&T), Shri Satish Mathur.
The Chairperson, PBMC, Smt Firdosh Bibi, Adhyakash, Zilla Parishad (SA), Shri SS Balakrishnan Nair, Adhyakash, Zilla Parishad, N&M Andaman, Shri P. Prasad, Former Lt Governors Shri ML Kampani and Gen Dayal, Tribal Captain, Car Nciobar Shri Manuah Thomas and Paul Benjamin, public representatives, senior officials of the Central and State Governments, and other dignitaries, attended and greatly appreciated the cultural programmes organised during the Andaman and Nicobar Day Celebrations.