ANHLGT Meet with DDA Officials TO MAKE SECTOR 23 A MODEL SECTOR of Dwarka

Every month ANHLGT organize meeting in Sector 23 for the project “HOW TO MAKE SECTOR 23 A MODEL SECTOR” On 1st March 2013, ANHLGT organized President, Secretary Meeting with DDA Official (Mr. Garg A.E) in Green Towers, Sector 23, Dwarka. Mrs. Cicily Kodiyan- President, ANHLGT was present along with her governing bodies. Mr. Shyam Lal Langer- President, Green Tower hosted the meeting. All the president of fifteen societies attended the meeting. This meeting was organized to thank DDA for completing walls of Vacant Plots, Landscape in 30M Road; they have also done desilting in some place around Park No.4 and Park No. 5 and 20M Road. Some pending work was also highlighted Like Relaying of 12 M and 20 M Roads, Paver Blocks on Berm of Roads, Lights in Park No. 5, Re-carpeting and landscaping of 20M and 12M road, one more sitting arrangement in playground (Park No. 5) etc. Mr. Garg promised all the residents that he will finish all the pending work before 1st April 2013.