Be An Excellent Human Being With Values And Ethics

Human child when born is like an animal. To transform this animal to human being, from human being to super human being, from super human being to GOD and from GOD to Divinity is the only suitable ladder of progress/evolution. Education is the means to Transform, Mould, Channelize this animal to human being as per need of the society/community/country by adopting values and ethics in life.

The child learns and understands more when he/she himself/herself undergoes through experiences. Thus the main role of teacher is to provide effective teaching learning experiences to the learner. We have to develop some new strategies of teaching learning process so that our learners may feel pleasure in learning.

Any scheme of education can only succeed when our teachers will have to faith its worth whileness and adequately prepared to implement it. A teacher is to be a facilitator, helper, guide and friend to bring knowledge based society to wisdom based society and then focus on global changes in values, altitude and behavior from the culture of war and violence to the culture of peace and non violence. I would like to advise our dedicated and eminent teacher to help the students by modifying their teaching learning strategies, modalities, in their teaching learning – process by using modern technologies. They have to sensitize the students about new curricular concern, updating their knowledge, new concepts and research in education. Character, Competence and Quality of Teachers are the most significant factors that influence the Quality of Education and Ultimately the Quality of Life. Any organization which offers great opportunities and possibilities to provide experiences to become good professionals as well as an excellent human beings are considered the good ones.

I may appeal; try to develop a magnetic, vibrant, radiant, prestigious smiling personality by feeling divine power, ocean of energy and wisdom within you. Please put your head, heart and hands in the selfless services of mankind. Please remember that the ultimate aim of human being is to attain extreme peace, pleasure and perfection of life.

“Be An Excellent Human Being With Values And Ethics.”

Dr. Bhupender Singh
Editor Compilation

(Ex Dy. Director of Education)
New Delhi