Woman Compartment

Dr. Ashwani Kumar
Ex Asstt Prof. Shri Dhanwantri Ayurvedic College, Chandigarh.
Mentor on Spiritual, Emotional, Psychological and Physical Wellbeing. 

Email: ashwanik92@gmail.com

The life starts from the woman compartment. A woman engages herself with her man for intimate relationship, the bond that lives on love, care and respect for each other. During this intimate session, with god’s grace life gets planted in the compartment of the woman. The woman remains absolutely unaware of it. When her menstrual cycle gets delayed after a few days she gets worried about the fear of pregnancy. Upon knowing that she is going to become a mother, her worries start. The newborn will be a boy or girl? Still with so such an advancement and development, a boy is the first choice. I don’t know why. 

Holistic Health of woman: 
During the period of pregnancy, a woman has no control and attachment with the baby.

Although she knows she has to be the mother of future generations and the health of future generations depend upon the health of mother at physical, mental and psychological level. She does not get support to have that health from the society and herself. This is a major confusion!


Unborn Power:
The unborn life developing in the woman compartment has the power to change all the habits of the woman. It is like a struggle for survival for the yet-to-be-born. The woman starts hating things which she likes the most and she starts liking things which interested her least earlier.

Secondly, if she does not take proper nutritious diet, the baby for all its nutritional requirements uses the extracts from the woman’s body, making her fragile and weak.

The unborn life has totally its unique independent identity.

After listening to the newborn cry, the curiosity and anxiety of the mother is to know whether it is a boy or a girl. That makes a lot of difference in the feelings of the woman, especially psychologically.

Unique Programming:
After the birth, baby feeds on the milk of the woman which is the most complete diet for him. Woman’s breasts have unique mechanism. Woman may eat or not but the milk produced is a complete diet. It contains all nutrition to protect the child from infection and child’s proper development.

When asleep, the child smiles to itself. I think that this is the time when the essence of psychological programs of the combined actions of previous life and what God wants to give as a gift to the child, are downloaded in it.

Emotional Slavery:
On the mother’s side, she begins to develop emotions for her child which prove to be stronger for boys and weaker for girls. The woman and family start cultivating emotional attachment in the newborn. They slowly and steadily grip the child in the web of emotions and attachment.

Then emotional slavery period of the growing child comes. The parents who are unable to fulfil their material and social desires and requirements try to pursue the child to fulfil these by projecting them as his responsibilities and duties.

What about the child’s own desires?

Very few children are able to break the web of emotions and attachment and move independently in their life.

Even Arjuna, the great warrior of the great Mahabharata was trapped in the web of emotions and attachment and gave up the desire of kingdom which belongs to him.

Emotions deprive you of your drives, actions and duties that are unique to you. It makes you lazy, indecisive. Lord Krishna advised Arjuna to come out of the web of emotions and attachment and perform his actions to win laurel.

On the other hand, the King Dhritrastar was also trapped in the web of emotions and attachment which ultimately led to the war of Mahabharata and the demise of all his sons.

I have tried to open your eyes with my scientific and psychological observations.

You have to take the initiative to come out of this web i.e. Web of emotions and attachment of known, fear and worry of the unknown.

Child’s Eyes:
Stand on your feet to carry your child on your shoulder to see ahead through your child’s eyes. Move where the future in the form of the child wants you to go.

Let me know how your new journey is.