Apeejay School of Management, Dwarka, New Delhi, in association with College of Business and Innovation, University of Toledo, USA, organized the 7th International Conference on Management Practices & Research (ICMPR-2017) on 21st July 2017 in its campus.
The theme of the conference was ‘Governance, Management & Innovation’. The conference served as an interactive platform for diverse aspects of governance and management of businesses and emerging innovative trends in search of excellence, efficiency and long term sustainability. It brought together more than 50 delegates from various national and international institutes who shared their views and experiences through paper presentations and discussions.
In the inaugural session, Prof. Amit Sareen, Director, Apeejay School of Management welcomed the guests and wished them a great learning experience in the conference. He expounded on the nuances of research and its varied dimensions related to business. Dealing with the Conference perspectives, Prof. Ashok Ogra, Director, Apeejay Institute of Mass Communication, New Delhi, broached on how governance and innovations had become critical in emerging business scenarios and illustrated with lively examples. Thereafter, inaugural address of the conference was delivered by Mr. S.R. Bansal, former Chairman and Managing Director, Corporation Bank. He eloquently highlighted the importance of governance and innovation in global businesses and role of corporate boards in this respect. In the key note address, Prof Birud Sindhav, from University of Nebraska, Omaha, USA, gave a very interesting account of churning being seen in today’s business era and the challenges it posed to management professionals.
The inaugural session was followed by parallel technical sessions with multiple tracks on Human Resource Management, Marketing, Finance, International Business, General Management, Information Technology and Operations Management wherein academicians, researchers and practicing managers and other scholars presented their research findings and perspectives. The deliberations during the conference would certainly stimulate academia engaged in business research to delve deeper into the serious issues faced by business today. In the end, Dr. Chhaya Wadhwa, the Co-Convenor of the conference presented a vote of thanks.In the end, Dr. Chhaya Wadhwa, the Co-Convenor of the conference presented a vote of thanks.