a Nationwide Campaign
26th Sept- 2nd Oct., 2010
(The Joy of Giving Week).
Joy of giving week (Sept 26-Oct 2, 2010) concept
* Unique National charity week to celebrate festival of giving together like
any other festival like Diwali, Id, X-Mas etc.
* Whether you are a paanwala in Lucknow, a traffic cop in Mumbai, an idli
seller in Madurai, a millionaire in Delhi, a multinational company in Bengaluru,
a saree shop owner in Kolkata, a teenager in a school or a college goer in Vadodara….
* reach out to someone less privileged – by donating money, volunteering time, feeding food,
distribute clothes, toy or other utilities to poor, hunger and needy people, providing your skills
* even just saying a kind word or give smile to someone who may not have expected it from you
* There can not be better joy than joy of giving to someone, So join the movement, now!
Please contact for more information.