About Osho Shailendra – part-1/3

Fragments of the Life story of a sage

(Note from Editor- Osho Shailendra ji, modern sage of 21st century, never talks about himself; therefore informations collected from his family members, close friends and relatives is compiled in this article.It is not a complete biography of Shailendra ji but some inter-linked instances put together. His entire life is inspiring and each act done with the loving awareness by HIM, can touch us to endeavor higher. -Ma prem Vidushi)

Osho Shailendra was born on 17th June, 1955 as younger brother of Osho at Gadarwara, Madhya Pradesh, India. He is the 5th brother among 6 and the tenth child, being 24years younger to Osho. He joined Osho’s Neo-Sannyas movement in 1971.

Learning the Lesson of Acceptance

One of the most integral parts of Osho Shailendra ji’s lifestyle is acceptance. Acceptance of things, people, circumstances totally as they are. Being born and brought up in a joint family – acceptance, tolerance and patience came as a by-product and gift. There were so many children in the family – to receive the care and importance that today’s child of nuclear family gets, was impossible to have. The age difference between siblings and cousins being less – sharing of clothes, books, accessories, etc. became basic. I am reminded once Osho Shailendra ji told me whenever any clothes had to be stitched for kids of the family; the family tailor never took measurements. He did it with estimation and it didn’t matter much to the family as if the shirt or pant made didn’t fit to one child it would do to some or other. This kind of upbringing gradually developed a sense of let-go in Osho Shailendra ji’s life which is reflected today in all His acts.

There is one more strong reason for inculcating the feeling of acceptance in His life which is stated in Osho Shailendra ji’s own words as – “One of my nephews, Maitreya, is suffering from a congenital heart disease, mental retardation, grandmal epilepsy, and the inability to speak. He gets irritated very easily and becomes violent many times in a day. He does not understand the rules of society, morality, manners, etiquette, etc. Although unable to speak the normal language, but all the time he keeps on talking loudly in his own meaningless gibberish and few symbolic sounds. Whatever he desires, he wants to get it immediately. If his need is not satisfied, he starts shouting, throwing things, hitting people. He is physically weak, but becomes very energetic during such tantrums; even four strong persons can’t control or hold him. He can not go to sleep and does not take meals till his desire is fulfilled. Such fits of temper occur almost daily.

It’s quite difficult to live and adjust with a mentally ill person like Maitreya. Unexpectedly he may go crazy, he may destroy anything. He is five years younger to me. He often destroyed my school notes, text books, toys, paintings, pens, etc. Somehow, this proved to be a blessing in disguise. Gradually I learned to accept his mad behavior. Looking at his miserable life full of demands, anger, violence, all the family members felt pity for him. In my subconscious, desires and misery became synonymous. More demands, more unhappiness, less wishes, less despair.

I became very accommodating, accepting, cooperating, and learned patience, tolerance, serenity, tranquility and dropped expectations. I may have just finished a painting, and the next moment it may be thrown into the water. I learned to enjoy while painting, without thinking about the future, which was always uncertain. In fact, the future is always uncertain, Maitreya’s mad behavior made it very clear to me. Even the greatest pieces of art will be thrown into the garbage bins one day. Normally the process takes a long time, many years. My nephew did it quickly, that was the only difference. This was the great lesson for me- I am the master of enjoying the work while doing it, but I can not have control over results. I am thankful to Maitreya. By teaching this small lesson, he made my life full of fragrance of desire-less-ness and deep acceptance.

Living in Osho’s Ashram in Pune, India, and in Oregon, America was also a great opportunity to strengthen the feeling of Acceptance. Osho created so many devices in his communes, to develop the art of TATHATA or Such-ness”.      

                                                                                        Cont. in the next post…

ओशो शैलेन्द्र जी द्वारा सत्संग समारोह २७ अक्टूबर को