Appreciation Day at Sri Venkateshwar International School

The deepest craving of human nature is the need to be appreciated. Appreciation is a wonderful thing. It makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well Sri Venkateshwar International School, Sector -18, Dwarka, celebrated excellence by facilitating the awardees of Classes VI to VIII for the academic session 2017-18. July 20, 2018 was indeed a day of reckoning, a day of recognition when the school celebrated the achievements of students.

The event commenced with the ceremonial lamp lighting followed by a green accord to the Head Learner Ms Nita Arora. She addressed the august gathering of the proud and beaming parents of the awardees. She congratulated the young achievers as well as their parents and mentors. She highlighted the importance of being self made by encouraging the students to be go-getters rather than trying to get things the easy way. She motivated them to chase their dreams, to change their destiny as the fruits of hard work and diligence are the sweetest.

The function began with the school orchestra which presented on amalgamation of classical and western music. The rendition left the audience mesmerised. Before bestowing the awards, the blessings of Lord Ganesh, the ‘Remover of obstacles’ were sought. It was followed by applauding the students for their scholastic and co-scholastic proficiency.

The event also had the students showcasing their talent through the energetic and vigorous dance form from Maharashtra ‘Laavni’. The zest and vivacity of the dancers left the gathering spellbound. The students also presented a street play on the theme ‘Girl Child’ where they celebrated the presence of girls in all spheres of life. The young achievers took the stage in the grand finale.

The Appreciation Day function left the auditorium resonating with applause, embodying the spirit echoed in the lines.
I am the master of my fate
I am the captain of my soul
Truly the heart and soul put in by the achievers is exemplary to many others
The event concluded with the national anthem.