CVC invites comments and suggestions on the strategy by 25th September, 2010


CVC invites comments and suggestions on the strategy from all concerned including the citizens by 25th September, 2010

State of Corruption in India

India’s stellar performance in rankings on growth indicators and its innovative approaches to poverty alleviation are often compromised by absence of noticeable efforts in governance reforms for ensuring high levels of integrity, enhanced transparency and probity in public and corporate life. It is a commonly held view that political and bureaucratic corruption, public funds embezzlement, fraudulent procurement practices and corruption in the enforcement and regulatory institutions and consumer exploitation by private companies/ contractors plague

Indian public life. Studies and public surveys have reinforced this public perception and have consistently shown that corruption persists in India despite many steps by the government. Examining the root causes of corruption in India and understanding its several manifestations is necessary to place the problem in its context and is an essential prerequisite for policy formulation.


Vision: A nation built on good governance, transparency and integrity, and free from all forms of corruption, and a responsible society aware of its ethical responsibilities.

Mission: To channelize, integrate the resources and build synergy into the efforts of all stakeholders in society to promote integrity in governance and progressively eliminate corruption from India through effective prevention, detection and punishment of all corrupt activities.

Objectives: To ensure adherence to ethical standards and integrity in the functioning of the Indian Republic by engaging all stakeholders by:

(a) Raising public awareness to promote zero tolerance towards corruption;

(b) Undertaking effective preventive measures to minimise the scope for corruption;

(c) Strengthening legal and regulatory framework and capacity building of the institutions of accountability as well as enforcement agencies;

(d) Creating sustainable deterrence against corruption by strict and prompt enforcement of anti-corruption laws and regulations;

(e) Enhancing collaboration amongst all stakeholders in ensuring that corruption cases are detected, reported, and prosecuted properly;

(f) Reducing opportunities of investment and utilization of wealth earned through corrupt means.


A need was expressed by various stakeholders to develop, adopt and maintain a National Anti-Corruption Strategy (NACS) in India. The Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) with the endorsement of the Vigilance Advisory Council therefore decided to assist the government in formulating an anti-corruption policy.

Formulation of the NACS was a multi-step process which involved: (a) assessing the status of corruption at various levels of governance; (b) diagnosing its causes; (c) understanding the expectations of all stakeholders; and (d) proposing various strategies to combat corruption in an effective and efficient manner. The NACS was formally drafted after obtaining the endorsement of all stakeholders through surveys, interviews, group discussions and consensus building. Based on the feedback received on the draft, necessary amendments were made to ensure that the resultant strategy is practical from an implementation stand-point, with a high
probability of success. The NACS then came into being once it was endorsed by all the stakeholders.

The strategy itself is hinged upon a multi-pronged approach to tackle corruption. It relies on a combination of prevention, enforcement and awareness raising measures, embedded within the ethical, legal, institutional, social and systemic framework of governance in India. It aims to address both petty and grand corruption by engaging multiple stakeholders of society and by encouraging international cooperation on issues related to corruption. It provides concrete recommendations and action steps to be undertaken in order to progressively eliminate corruption.

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