WORLD CONSERVATION DAY at N.K.Bagrodia Public School, Dwarka

Celebrated on July 28 each year, World Nature Conservation Day recognizes that a healthy environment is the foundation for a stable and productive society and to ensure the well-being of present and future generations. We all must participate to protect, conserve, and sustainably manage our natural resources.

We all depend on natural resources like water, air, soil, minerals, trees, animals, food, and gas to live our daily lives. To keep the balance in the natural world, we must also help various species to continue to exist. A report from the global conservation organization World Wildlife Foundation suggests that since 1970, the pressure that we exert on the planet has doubled and the resources upon which we depend have declined by 33 percent. Despite the efforts put into conservation by organizations and conservation activists, their work has been undermined by those who have interests.

Conservation of nature is very important, with scientists warning of mass extinctions in the near future. Many nature documentaries show resources that are being wasted. We have made this planet a world of steel and concrete to sustain humanity but at the cost of other species, and it has become more imperative upon us to conserve these resources that are vital to human survival.
N.K.Bagrodia Public School,Dwarka commemorated the special day with a host of activities across grades. Students of grade 6 did role play on need of conservation to save water, electricity, trees and nature. Students of grade 7 did slogan writing on “World Conservation Day”. Students of grade 8 did collage making to bring awareness and expressed their commitment to the cause. Students from grades 9 presented PPT on “Save the Environment and Mineral Resources”.

Students of grade 10 did debate on the topic “need for conservation of natural resources” and also point out to the gap in awareness & actual implementation of eco-friendly initiatives like Rain Water Harvesting, Waste Segregation at source & use of alternate energy sources. Showcasing their commitment towards a greener & cleaner world, the students successfully planted the seed of information – with the hope that things will get better, where people have the knowledge, will & commitment.Enthusiastic participation in all the events showcased the Bagrodian creative streak & commitment towards the cause.

Children who spend time exercising their senses in nature have been shown to increase their skills at a faster rate than those who don’t.