Dear residents,

You will be surprised to know that 13 out of the 20 most polluted cities in the world are in India and according to recent reports DELHI is the most polluted city in the WORLD. The common man is not worried much about environmental pollution because it is invisible and the effects of pollution are not immediate. People suffer from various diseases like those of the lungs and other vital organs .The worst affected are children and the elderly.

Air pollution crosses all permissible limits during the festival of Diwali. Burning of crackers and fireworks add to the quantum of particulate matter in the air during the festival and it reaches alarmingly dangerous levels with the emission of smoke and particulate matter in the air.

In view of the above, I would like to make an earnest appeal to all residents not to burn crackers and fireworks during this Diwali. Let us celebrate Diwali with sweets ,diyas and lights and not with fireworks. Your co-operation in this noble effort to curb pollution will be highly appreciated.

Through Dwarka Parichay social network I would like to make a request to all the Presidents/ Secretaries of the RWAs in Dwarka to make such an appeal to the residents of their societies/ colonies. It will definitely make a difference in air the pollution levels in Dwarka during Diwali.


Wishing you all a VERY HAPPY DIWALI

Citizen’s reporter
E D Thomas

President, RWA
Pocket 5, Sector 12 Dwarka