Awareness Program on Vector Borne Disease held at The Indian Height School

The Indian Heights School, Sector 23, conducted an informative and engaging session to sensitize the students on vector-borne diseases like malaria, dengue, and chikungunya. The anti-vector campaign was attended by the schools from neighboring areas on September 23, 2019.  

Dr. Vimal Kaushal, the nodal officer for controlling the vector-borne diseases of South West Zone apprised the gathering about the Do’s and Don’ts to prevent the diseases and how important it is to take care of our surroundings as Prevention is better than cure.  Dr. Indrani Mandal, senior medical officer in charge, Delhi Government Health Centre, also conducted a very interactive and informative session on the topic. All the participating schools presented a short cultural program, to strongly convey the message, that individual alertness is the need of the hour. The school principal, Ms. Archana Narain in her keynote address emphasized the need for each student to act as an “informed champion” of the anti-vector campaign.