Education is a lifelong attitude of living life well

#Dwarka #Delhi
#DwarkaCity #Dwarkaites #DwarkaSchools

Nita Arora
Sri Venkateshwar International School
Sector-18, Dwarka, New Delhi

Education is not merely teaching of subjects or imparting knowledge and ability related with co-curricular activities but it is a lifelong attitude of living life well. It is about being happy, it is about spreading goodwill and happiness, it is about understanding our worth, it is about an attitude of knowing that more could be learnt, yet actualizing the many potentials that one is endowed with.

Education is also about creating new potentials, when I say this, I feel that it is the best definition as mankind has evolved so fast because of this aspect of learning. Knowledge seeks more knowledge. Thus a good school should prepare children and their teachers to become lifelong learners knowing ‘how to learn’.

What role do a good infrastructure for curricula transaction including music, dance, sports play? A lot, but these are just means to an end. We all want our children to be ready for the role that they will be playing in society.

We must realize that promoting and nurturing life skills, attitudes and values are the foremost aims of any educational endeavour. Adults have to be role models of any preaching. A child initially mirrors the behaviour of grown ups. Then the stage comes, when he learns to discern the right from the wrong. This is a beautiful phase, which if nurtured well, produces thinkers and doers, that the world seeks. All children go through this phase. We have to be ready to accept and change ourselves when our children reach this stage. “A child is the father of nation”. This adage will come true if we listen to our children at this time and are ready to grow yet once again.

Thus life is actually a ‘yearning for life’. Let us all become lifelong learners and understand this.

Any school that promotes a love for learning is the place for your ward to be in. Any school that involves parents in this process is the right one.

Happy schooling, joyful, stress free environment is what we all aspire for and should provide too.

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