Kashmir governance?- Which format can work to keep people together along with National Security.

Rakesh Manchanda

Why can`t the new Mohalla Samitti and Swaraj concept gets applied in Kashmir issue ? This challenge with correct awareness campaign need to be accepted by AAP Sevaks instead of dodging the issue and hiding behind the National Security Issue as done in the past by BJP-Congress.

Can our new hope in India AAP settle this issue in future ?
My friend Arvind Kejriwal can silence me and others on this issue by throwing a strong excuse of National Security. I agree that National Security is bigger then the people`s referendum in Kashmir but sooner or later AAP political affairs body has to deliver a clear policy on Kashmir instead of airing knee jerk conventional stand taken by tradional political parties.

Taking a tactic stand in favour of National Security is fine but the advantage should never go to the Hindu Taliban forces of RSS who in nexus with Congress has failed to cater solutions but are eager to trap AAP.

Let us understand the tactic in a simple way.
At present the AAP stand in line with the other traditional parties is like the advocacy of my Paramilitary doctor friends from forces(Army, Navy, Airforce and police) who enjoyed sharing with me the valuable X-ray reports of soldiers reported fit but were still carrying `compromised` bullets inside the body. Bullets inside the body are left untouched or are not removed. The is wisely done by team of doctors who do not want to risk and unplug the wound and continue to decide that this bullet should be allowed to remain inside the body. A risk in such a situation can keep the body organs dis-united. Replace the bullet in the text with Kashmir state and swap the solder`s body with Bharat which stand handicapped by negligence of past politics.

We as Indians either have to live with Kashmir situation along with the unwanted but harmless bullet as the stop cork inside or we have to educate the rest organs of our wounded body and people of India. Awareness is a must to win back the confidence of Kashmiri people, Kashmir pundits that were driven out in the past and the valuable culture of togetherness called `Kashmirat`.

Enclosed please find my views published in India on the same issue as under :
Goli and No Boli- is a bad situation in Kashmir.
By : Rakesh Manchanda-written in October-2011 after the Ink attack on Prashant Bhushan.

Business and Humanity in any civilised country cannot survive when barrel of the gun and its shadow is the only solution pushed by politicians.

Army and paramilitary forces with no clear enemy was forced to shoot bullets on eighty stone pelting persons demanding Azadi last year before Diwali.

`Goli and no boli` ( Bullet & No dialogue) is the bad situation brought by political bankruptcy.
Without distinguishing between stone pelting crowd and terrorists with automatic weapons the intelligence of Indian forces in Kashmir is also brought to a shame. Police Force in India and its corrupt performance is well known. The first agent to protect the human Rights of a women or aam aadmi crying for justice in any country is police. Based on budget and priorities a woman only police station could

Against Army Rights there is an unending fast going not as popular as Anna Movement.

MLAs and UPA-2 role in stopping political murders and corruption is in Public Gaze.

Unaccountable security forces will not help improve.

Young men now in jail arrested during past two years in Kashmir should have been provided employment opportunity in the first place. Government has shown no seriousness in measures taken for providing economic relief to Kashmiri Pundits and for the continuous disruption of business and economic activities in the valley.

When Pakistan Army was more engaged in flood relief and rescue few months ago that was the time for Indian side to win back Kashmiri lobbies by reaching out seriously to them.

In India outside Kashmir young minds in social sector are not even aware that why Hindu King of post Independent Kashmir was helpless when Pakistan attacked and majority of Muslims in J&K decided to be with Secular India and defeat the Kashmir grabing plans of Pakistan.

Without proper base work and education to Public if Anna Team core member decides to comment on Kashmir situation, it is difficult to protect the Freedom of Speech in any abstract form.

Political mechanism in India controlled by the corrupt governance systems of Congress and BJP both have failed to cater solutions.

Can Anna Team Help or it shall also provide lip service only ?
What happened to Anna Pathshala Project and peoples education ?
Corruption, Criminalisation & Terrorism cannot be fought separately.

Note : The author is working as Director of Grafax Cotton Zambia Ltd and at present he is in Delhi monitoring this historical change brought in politics by AAP and people of Delhi.