STAGEALIVE – Capturing various moods of Delhi with fine art photography By Ahmed Firoz ( April 1-30, 2016)

Delhi–O-Delhi Foyer.
Date: April 1-30, 2016

Time: 10.00 AM -8 .00 PM
Venue: India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road, New Delhi

STAGEALIVE an exhibition of Fine art photographs of Ahmed Firoz, taken at various points of time take a look at Delhi from a different angle. Delhi is not just a city of monuments and heritage. It has mysteries in the hustles and bustles of the streets with people from all over the world in multiple cultural and social identities to make the place a melting pot of thousands of ideas.
Delhi is a place where festivals and cultural activities keep people engaged and mesmerized. These photographs here, from an expressionist, bring out different cultural identities, moods, grace, beliefs and a sense of belonging of the people, each strengthening the other, in the finest traditions of this city with a monumental past.
What is happening out here in National Capital every day is the reflection of the true character of the city and the measure of its heartbeats. From the flamboyance of the dancers, the joys of the people in a festival, the colorful moods of the visitors to a glorious monument and the stress and vulnerability of the of the performers in the backstage and the little nap one takes in the afternoon after hours of hard work.

Firoz brings out the heart and soul of the city in all its colors and vibrance. Relax and take some time out and see Delhi from the stories Firoz tells through the moments he has captured with his lens.