HomeNews-EventsInstallation Ceremony Rotary Club Delhi Uptown Installation Ceremony Rotary Club Delhi Uptown DwarkaParichay.com July 17, 2018 News-Events, Update Related Posts Whole DWARKA will march for UNITY on 7th Nov. Happy Birthday- Jawaharlal Nehru सज्जन सिंह के गायब होने का रहस्य Sri Sri honored in the Netherlands ‘We Care’ film festival concluded at Apeejay Institute of Mass Communication (AIMC) MULUND FESTIVAL waves Starring Goodbye to year 2012 First Aid in Burns Many Principal & Teachers also felicitated jointly by Dwarka Parichay & Society for Creatives (Regd.) आरजेएस राष्ट्रीय वेबिनार में टोक्यो ओलंपिक के प्रथम मेडल विनर मीराबाई चानू बनीं रोल माॅडल मानव जीवन में अध्यात्म की अहम भूमिका है – ओमदासजी The Indian Heights School hosted Community Lunch Programme Happy Birthday- Akshay Kumar Film Screening: SAMA – Muslim Mystic Music of India on 11th October @6.00 PM सन्नी लियोनी ने एयरसेल के आइप्लेआइविन काॅन्टेस्ट के विजेताओं को सम्मानित किया Say ‘Yes’: Always but ‘No’ also sometimes Chandgi Ram Pandit ji ka Nidhan Freedom from Sudden Cardiac Arrest Deaths चार साल कि बच्ची नैनिका गुप्ता ने 3 डी फोटोग्राफी कर के रचा नया इतिहास Gandhi Jayanti celebrated in the Indian Heights School Dr. Kirti Kale – Internationally reputed poetess & writer
Many Principal & Teachers also felicitated jointly by Dwarka Parichay & Society for Creatives (Regd.)