Trishna Summit held at N.K.Bagrodia Public School

N.K.Bagrodia Public School, Dwarka organized its annual fest, Trishna, with great zeal on 3 May, 2019 within the school premises with an aim to provide an exquisite platform for students to showcase their skills and talents through a wide spectrum of activities encompassing all the subjects. The school quite lucidly communicated to its participants and audience that it did not intend for the students to compete with each other, rather to come together to participate in the quest for knowledge, the literal meaning of Trishna. It was really a mega-event as there was a participation from beyond 30 schools with close to 900 students from West Delhi participating in various inter-school activities.  The school proudly announced its theme for the event, “Going zero-waste”, to celebrate the spirit of cutting down on waste, and its commitment to save the earth. In tandem with this thought, it also adopted eco-friendly substitutes for various articles that constituted their gift-hampers for the best performers in each event.

The Chief Guest, Commodore Raghunath K. Nair, inaugurated the summit by lighting the ceremonial lamp. The Chief Guest for the closing ceremony was Ms. Anindita Chakraborty, a renowned academician professing environment friendly approach to education system. Other dignitaries,from a gamut of disciplines were also present to observe the various events organised by the school.The Principal of the school, Dr (Mrs.) Rajee N. Kumar, the Vice-Principal, Ms. Anjali Kharbanda, and the Head Mistress Ms. Satinder Kaur were also there to motivate the students. The occasion was also graced by the presence of Ms. Jaishree Nawani, the Vice-Principal of N.K.Bagrodia Global School as well as Dr P.K. Pandey, Principal Shiksha Bharti Global School, Dwarka.

The event commenced in a splendid way with the guests being felicitated by the principal of the school with beautiful planters made of the waste plastic bottles, painted and decorated by the students of the host school. The young students of class 2nd and 3rd presented a mesmerising dance performance on the theme song of Trishna which was sung live by the students of classes 6th to 8th. The Chief Guest declared the summit open with his motivating words for the students emphasizing the need to go back to our basics, our roots. He mentioned that we, as a country, need to strengthen what is essentially ours in order to carve out for ourselves a place in the global scenario. Thereafter, allthe events took place for the students to show and display their creative zeal and imaginative fervour.

There was a total of eleven events held, viz. Maze-O-Pia,for class 1st,expected the students to answer a set of questions of mental ability in order to solve the intricate mazes. Hasya Kavitawas held for classes 2nd and 3rd in which participants presented their self-composed humorous poems on the topics given to them.Dog & the Bone,for classes 3rd and 4th, assessed students on their mental as well as physical agility. The team to grab the bone first was given a question to solve and the team with maximum number of correct answers won. Radio Jockeywas meant for 7th and 8thin which the students spoke about the role of various protectors (guards) in our country-the ministers, soldiers, common masses, farmers etc. like radio jockeys.Unlid the Magical Gridwas held for classes 9th and 10thin which the participants opened the given four boxes containing themes, props, wearables, mode of presentations respectively which had to be combined creativelyto bring across a message. The Folk-Art Expressionswas held for class 7th wherechildren made traditional paintings like Warli and Madhubani with the used aluminium foil, jute, broken bangles, match sticks, pencil shavings etc. in the allotted time. Superstar ki Khojexpected students of classes 6th to 8thto compose a song on the spot and give it a music. Game of Thronesoffered the participants a set of mathematical questions which they had to answer wearing a crown from the throne to feel like royalty.Treasure Hunt expected the participants to hunt for a treasure through clues by solving mathematical riddles and problems. Start-Up Kidswas an endeavour to encourage students from various streams- Science, Commerce and Humanities to collaborate and come up with a working model from e-waste and advertise the same using their marketing strategies.Vanmitrawali, intended to reconnect children with the nature. It encouraged the students to plant the saplings of medicinal plants anddraw posters with slogans to save the environment.

The closing session began with a spellbinding and soulful Shiv-Stuti, a melodious spiritual rendition by the students of the host school on the theme Shiva- The Adi Guru, Adi Yogi. The dance upheld the image of Ardhanarishwara, which is a rare example of a perfect union of the two complimentary selves in humans. The idea again was to strengthen the values of unity and partnership. It is often said that the joy of giving is the highest form of happiness hence, this year, along with goodies, N.K. Bagrodia also gave beautiful medicinal planters to each of the participants. The best performers expressed their happiness on receiving the special gift-hampers made out of recycled paper baskets and sheets that had seeds of flowers mixed with paper pulp. The event culminated with the guest, Anindita Chakraborty expressing her happiness in being a part of the school’s annual fest and complimenting the principal and the staff for conceiving the idea of adopting an eco-friendly substitute for the gift-hampers.

The large participation of students in this mega-event to showcase their talents and their overwhelmingly positive response showed that Trishna did fulfil its purposive goal, viz. ‘If you dream it, you can achieve it’ through the icon of Zorba.