Zero Budget Politics campaign is the ultimate solution for creating better Society.” Says Reddy

Every citizens get Quality  education , health and employment so that we can prosperous India in real sense than reel sense , we should say India is rich as well Indian also rich than Indians are poor that’s Possible when politics and Politicians are good. He has been Campaigning for Zero Budget Politics , which surely helps India to get Good Politicians in the long run at all levels right from Galli to Delhi ( village to nation ).  This Zero Budget Politics not only for India , its applicable to  all failed  democratic countries around the world , its built on the basis of love , affection , association and non-violence in the true spirit of Mahatma Gandhi ideas.  Yes, he is well educated B.Tech & MBA young   revolutionary leader from Hyderabad. He is Madhava Reddy who recently interacted with Senior Journalist-Author S.S.Dogra-Bureau Chief-Delhi for Himalini Magazine & Mg.Editor-Dwarka Parichay . Excerpts:

1.Where were you born & brought up?
I, born to Smt Subhadramma (mother)& Sri Chinna Veera Reddy (father) from Agriculture family on 27th Feb 1972  at village Vasapuram, District Anantapur, Andhara Pradesh ,

2.Where you got the Formal education-Name your school/college?
Studied upto 5th class in my village i.e  Govt MPP School  , High school @ AP Residential school ( Govt)  , Kodigenahalli , Anantapur and then Engineering from NIT Warangal (Govt) , Telangana , MBA (Mktg) from Pondicherry Central University.

3.What were your most favourite activities during your childhood?
I was suffered from Polio accidentally and  was the first victim in my village , which made me not move or play with other kids , but somehow I managed to get strength and with my will power learnt swimming and also played other rural games such as Gilli danda , kabaddi ,street  dramas etc.

4.What was your ambition to become , just after getting your adulthood?
My ambition was to become Electrical  Engineer as I was watching my cousins were doing electrical wiring and motor windings works , so I was interested in pursuing  Electrical Engineering. 

5.Why you have chosen to work on the root level?
As I am part of society  and came from rural back ground , I know the basic reasons why our rural India is still behind even after 73 years from freedom

6.What are your main activities, presently you are involved in?
Campaigning for Zero Budget Politics , which surely helps India to get Good Politicians in the long run at all levels right from Galli to Delhi ( village to nation ) , This Zero Budget Politics not only for India , its applicable to  all failed  democratic countries around the world , its built on the basis of love , affection , association and non-violence in the true spirit of Mahatma Gandhi ideas.

7.What is your main object of your life?
Since Independence we have been studying in our books as kids that India is developing country Our fore fathers , our fathers , our self , our kids are studying same , where is the end of it ? 

End will be there if every citizens get Quality  education , health and employment so that we can prosperous India in real sense than reel sense , we should say India is rich as well Indian also rich than Indians are poor that’s Possible when politics and Politicians are good.

8.Why do you keep yourself busy in Social work? Any specific reason
I am a keen observer of the Society and the social structure and social behaviour from the gross root level as I come from a middle class back ground from one of the faction ridden village of Rayalaseema. I have faced lot of ups and downs in my personal and professional life, but they have not deterred me from leading a happy life and help fellow citizens, in whatever way I can. I have noticed that a lot of people are suffering and in turn making their family and the society suffer due to a lack of direction and confusion about setting life goals. They merely pass on every stage of life, right from education to employment in a mechanical way.

I am endeavouring to bring about a change by working with educational institutes to inculcate moral values in education, thereby, setting right the malady right from the formative years.As I said , I am part of society , if society is fine then I am fine but no other way around , So with my study and social back ground whenever I identify the issue , I try to give the solution than complain on it.

  1. How do you manage your fund whosoever you earn/achieve please elobrate your source of income?
    For livelihood I have been working in organisation which feeds my personal and family needs , to do social work , I try to see what we can do without funds or  utilising of existing Govt  and private resources   , to campaign Zero Budget Politics.  We hardly needs any funds except for travel and accommodation, most of the time meeting expenses, accommodation and travel arranged by meeting hosts , If at all any additional expenses I incur I pay from my pockets
  1. Message for youth & general public
    One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors.  – Plato ( 2500 BC) Greek Philosopher

Even today this is valid quote as we know who are our politicians how they are getting into politics and ruining the system.

Be active in Social activities and Politics ,  especially,  Politics as politics decides every body’s fate , be vigilant in choosing the political leaders , if possible be take active part in politics ..!

  1. Your special achievement-during your stay in  Telangana & India?
    If a person spends Rs. 10 to 20Cr to contest in elections and is defeated, it is a personal loss for the candidate. On the other hand, if the same person wins the elections, it is big problem for the public, as his focus will be on getting a good ROI. Zero Budget Politics is one of the best solutions to put an end to such a situation in politics, or else our future is doomed!

✓ Proposing and Propagating Zero Budget Politics which helps society to get Good Political Leaders (As of now 50 sessions done across India esp. Karnataka , Maharashtra , Rajasthan , Bihar , Punjab , Delhi , Telangana & Andhra Pradesh and 6 online session for NRIs)

✓ Conducted Zero Budget Politics sessions in IIT Mumbai , BITS Philani and ( Leading India’s Political school )

✓ I have visited UK in Sept’2017 and had a chance to speak on ZBP in UK parliament in informal meet  with lords MPs . I travelled as a part of the World expedition to UK with different society thinkers, organized by Vision India foundation .

✓ Some of my forthcoming sessions are being planned at IIMs, IITs, ISB, Hyderabad and 136 year old Maharaja Sayaji Rao University( Baroda), Zero Budget Politics  Zero Budget Politics

✓ I have conducted more than 100+ Social media Awareness sessions at Schools, Colleges Corporations MNCs HRs and Police (Presently we are the only group conducting such awareness sessions in the states of AP and TS)

✓ Arranged Blood in emergency with SM-Facebook /Whats App Posts  for more than 750 patients

✓ Arranged ADHAAR cards to orphans who are more vulnerable as they are not guarded by any body

✓ Arranged 3500 Personal Computers to 650 Govt. Schools with the help of Technology

✓ Helping the visually challenged to appear for examinations by connecting them with scribes to write for them.

✓ Initiated Walk for water campaign, creating awareness on water preservation, water recycling, and the need to preserve and safeguard ecological balance by planting trees. Visit

✓ Taught Swimming in no time for more than 100 members till date as more than 25000 Indians loosing life to water , encouraging parents through social media as well directly sessions to teach swimming to kids along with education

Zero Budget Politics glimpse ( Pls Search  Google / Youtube with Zero Budget Politics for more info  )

Face Book Page :

@DD Telugu : on 150th Mahatma Gandhi Jayanthi

@DD Telugu :
@ TSAT Govt Channel
@ iDream News :
@ Zero Budget Politics Debate on iDream
@ Social Post :
@ Eagle Media Works :
@ Bharathiya Vidhya Bhavan
@ NOTA TV Channel
@ Sneha TV :
@ Nellore
@JD Lakshminarayana IPS on ZBP TV9 
@JD Lakshminarayana IPS on ZBP AP 24X7
@ZBP Session Yes TV part-1 
@ZBP Session Yes TV part-2 
@ZBP brief on Karnataka elections
@ZBP glance Yes TV
@India Voice Now

Social Media Awareness Sessions

Face Book Page :
ETv Life –
NTv Coverage –
JPIB  YouTube channel  –
IMPACT @ Bharathiya Vidhya Bhavan  –
EMPOWER @ Saibab Samsthan, Shivam Road –

HMTV coverage @ St.Anns –
IMPACT @ Harihara  Kala  Bhavan –
Egale Media Works
Yes Meda

Life Changing Sessions
Jeevan Vidhya @Impact Harihara  Kala  Bhavan
Unlock your Potential IMPACT @ Anantapur

Swimming Importance Awareness

@Yes Media
@Egale Media Works

  1. What are the main drawbacks (problems) of  Telangana suffering from?
    As you know most of our India political leaders give more slogans and work less on ground. Telangana is not exception in this regard with Bad  Roads , Poor infra in Govt Hospitals and Schools which are accessed by  poor  and unemployment. So, these are the need of the hour and Telengana needs immediate solution.  
  1. How these hurdle can be solved-your insight vision or suggestion?
    Only way is Good Politics and Politicians who do not spend huge amounts in elections to influence the gullible public  by giving them liquor and money other beings to  get the votes , A leader who has vision for the society never does wrong deeds , we need good leaders once for all at level right from village to Nation
  1. How can employment/income  can be generated in the villages of your state?
    a) Our country mainly based on agrarian, most of the rural folks depends on that, so small scale processing industries can be developed to consume crop yield and make the finished products then there and supply them to urban area

b) Giving proper technical training and engage the people locally , Govt need to invest resources to establish MSME as well big projects where rural youth can engaged

  1. Any future project –you are planning in and around your village?
    I encourage all kids in my village should go studies as much as possible , as on date I gave school bags to all school kids and also Portable projector , wish to contribute much more in coming days if my finances support or get support from Pvt and Govt resources , Wish to connect farmers with latest technologies and guide them with experts , and help them to set up processing units locally ( recently nephew Mr. Vishnu vardhan Reddy started industry which takes the threads from Banana plant stem

  16.How can a common man access you?
MR: Anyone can visit my website - and join our campaign.