Facets of beauty in February
Facets of beauty in February
Spiritual Name: Joy of beauty
Quote: “Beauty is the joyful offering of Nature.”
Botanical Name: Ipomoea tricolor
Common Name: Morning glory
Description: A large bright magenta flower borne on a seasonal creeper.
Spiritual Name: Smile of beauty
Quote: “Nature is happy to be beautiful.”
Botanical Name: Prunus serrulata
Common Name: Oriental cherry
Description: In spring clusters of small single or double light pink flowers cover the tree.
Spiritual Name: Spontaneous beauty
Quote: “Beauty is the joyful offering of Nature.”
Botanical Name: Ipomoea tricolor
Common Name: Morning glory
Description: It is medium to large rose-pink flowers with white centre and border. It is a seasonal creeper.
Spiritual Name: Static beauty
Quote: “Transfixed in an immutable beauty.”
Botanical Name: Camellia japonica
Common Name: Common camellia
Description: It is medium to large flower with several colours and is a shrub.
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