Definite Signs of Psychic Attacks


What are psychic attacks?

· Psychic attacks are conscious/unconscious directed negative emotions of anger, jealousy and malice by visible/invisible entities to one another.

· More sensitive people are acutely conscious of all this negativity present in atmosphere and often felt bombarded by it.

· Negative thoughts about another person are a type of physic attack.

· Psychic attacks are negative and destructive polarity of occult power; used by unscrupulous persons to manipulate others mind’s thought forms and energy.

Signs of psychic attacks:
Psychic attacks usually manifest its self by series of bad circumstances and events which are simply TOO MUCH OF A COINCIDENCE. Following symptoms are sure and strong indicative of a psychic attack

Characteristic dreams:
· A dream is commonly the first way in which psychic manifestation makes them known, the subconscious perceptions being reflected into consciousness in this form.
· If there is a definite psychic attack of sufficient force there will soon begin to appear characteristic dreams.
· Hypnagogic visions between sleep and waking.
· Dreams of dirty places, dead persons, reptilians.
· There may include the sense of weight upon chest in sleep, dreams of extreme horror and depression, demonic encounters, seeing you incurably sick, astral rape/intercourse and negative astral interference in dream states are the sure signs of psychic attack.

Sense of fear and operation:
· In a psychic attack we are not in our normal state of mind, body and circumstances, and find ourselves in the middle of invisible battle and jeopardized conditions.

· The psychic attack first cast its shadow on human sub consciousness before we realise it consciously.

· The victim always expects the worst and indulges himself in negative thinking.

Nervous exhaustion and mental breakdown:
· Nervous exhaustion and mental breakdown are common results of physic attack in advance stages.
· The victim is reduced to a mare shell of skin and bones, laying on bed, too weak for any movement, and yet no definite disease can be diagnosed.
· Constant and uncontrollable tendency of crying.
· Depressed/fluctuated mood.
· Excessive anxiety and hazy thinking.
· Frequent thoughts of suicide.
· Short and quickly irritable temperament is a sure sign of psychic attacks.

Unexplained accidents:

Frequent unexplained minor/major accidents or injuries or nothing going right can be taken as symptoms of psychic attacks.

Ill health:
· Psychic attacks can manifest as undiagnosed illness and diseases.
· Lack of uninterrupted/ sound sleep.
· Significant loss/waste of vital strength and energy.
· Chronic fatigue and tiredness.
· Sexual incompetence/indifferences.
· Loss of memory/concentration.
· Unbearable pain in the area of solar plexus, which is the point of psychic connection.
· Chills and feeling of Goosebumps[raising of body’s hair]
· Critical diseases of heart problems, migraine, epilepsy, convulsion, cancer etc may fond in more than one family’s member.
· Failure of medication.
· Unexplained frequent miscarriages and remaining barren may be the symptoms of psychic attack.
· The complexion of the victim may become dark/pale.

String of negative circumstances:
· The victim may find himself in the string of negative circumstances/events enough for his misfortune.
· The victim may run of extraordinary bad luck.
· Constant career/financial problems
· Sometimes delay/denial of marriage may result from psychic attack.
· Increase in addictive behaviours/habits.
· Unexpected death of family members.
· The victim is deserted by his close relatives/friends for no reason.

Evil odours:
· Some characteristic Bad/evil odours are the manifestation of psychic attack.
· Smell of decomposing flesh, drains or rotten materials which comes and goes capriciously.

Occurrence of strange/curious phenomenon:
· Odd foot-prints may appear from nowhere.
· Sometimes the victim may hear strange sounds of bell; cracked glass etc indicates the advent of an entity.
· Seeing strange shadows/smoke around.
· Inexplicable outbreaks of fire are also sometimes seen in the case of psychic attacks.
· Small objects may flung about, bell rung and other noisy manifestation may take place.
· Cut/strange marks are found on the victim’s body on waking from sleep.
· Presence of black dots in victim’s aura.