Difference between Jan Lokpal and Govt. Lokpal

President, Dwarka Forum
On  3 Points where diffrence and some people like Aruna Roy and NCPRI version.

1. The ILLOGIC stated.. over 38.76 lacs GOI Employees + PSU 50 Lac + State Govt may be all add up to 1.5 or 2 Crore including political class? Their objection is that such huge number to be under JANLOKPAL will be mammoth task and need separate.. WHAT A JOKE ? The Entire country of 120 crore citizen comes under Supreme Court purview ? It’s not the entire 1.5 crore employees are Corrupt, there may be 25-30%. So this logic of Govt and NCPRI have no locustandi.

2. The Citizen Charter: This is an important provision as those who deals in Public Cause and also those who have fed up of getting work or service from Govt and its agencies. Through this there will be clear Jobs and Description of each of those handling Public. The public will find it easy to whom to approach and not like currently one desk to other and one counter to other.. If not timely service or grievance resolved there is provision to penalty just like RTI Act. This is important for 1.2 billion Indian’s as COMMON MAN is fed up and frustrated. From Birth Certificate to Death Certificate all have to run pillar to post and then end up pay bribe. The seperation of Public Grievance will be another futile attempt and only will be REHABILIATION of Retired Babus. Look the Public Grievance Commission of Delhi, it has no meaning but a BIG Hole on exchequer. Our RTI have exposed that time and again.
3. Lokayukta: At state level. This is also vital as more than 50% of Union budget is spend by state govt all other rules and act the Parliament pass and applicable to states WHY this is sound against FEDERAL STRUCTURE ?. States like opposition ruled Gujrat even dont have Lokayukta till date, the opposition ruled Karnatka we know the report of Lokayukta. then come to our own Delhi. The CM and Ministers don’t agree to Lokayukta and Babus are exempted. This is important we need to have LOKPAL and LOKAYUKTA.