M. K. Gupta

As the washerman called with his full throat to vacate the flats of a block of a Society in sector 6 due to the fire on a flat of the ground floor, there was panic all around. All were running thinking what to do and thanks to plumber who with his presence of mind saved the residents life.

Kitchen of B-004, Sahara Society caught fire on 14th December as the housewife forgot the pot with refine oil on the burning gas and the pot caught fire which spred up to chimney. Not many residents were aware to stop the gas being supplied by the pipeline and were perplexed. Almost half of the residents evacuated their flats. In the meantime, the brave plumber named Prashant came running and shut the gas supply in the kitchen and from outside the building with a tool (plash) as it knob to stop the gas supply was rusted and was not being shut manually. It was also noticed that number the cylinders put up for douse the fire were empty, fire fighting system was not properly working but a major incidents was averted. If the washer man, Yogesh, and plumber had not acted in time, no body can say about the extent of the catastrophy.

The Managements and residents of other societies should take a lesson from this and ensure that their fire fighting system should remain intact all the time. It is advisable that one should not leave the hot case unattended as there are chances of forgetting this fact.