Sri VIS students raise a call to the adults and politicians

The students of classes 8 and 12 joined the global community of students in sensitizing the policymakers and adults about their responsibiIity in bequeathing a healthier planet for the younger generation to inherit. The city has been rated amongst the most polluted cities in the world in a report collaborated by Greenpeace South – East Asia. Five out of ten, top polluted cities of the world lie in Delhi – NCR region. The situation is likely to worsen in future and it’s high time that residents take the matter in their own hands rather than wholly depend on legislation.

The torch bearers for this change proved to be student community. The positive changes that they are stressing upon should be viewed in the larger global context – a worldwide campaign for environment focusing exclusively on the student community. The campaign ‘Friday for Future’ has already encompassed 112 countries and 1,787 locations.

Sri Venkateshwar International School became a proud associate of this initiative on 15 March 2019. The students took out a rally in the scorching heat with their self -made posters and banners, urging people to make Delhi green again to combat pollution. They also communicated the need for sustainable development for ecological well – being.

Within the ambit of the school, Pranjal Singla of class XII B gave an inspiring speech on the need to resist climate change and backed her argument with startling statistics. Facts such as Humans add 5 gallons of water to the ocean through glacial ice melts every minute and that every year 3.5 billion to 7 billion trees are cut, came across as a matter of great concern.  Students sent out a message of serious implications of climate change with utmost candor.
           ‘ If not now then when, if not me then who?’