Learning beyond books at Sri Venkateshwar International School

Educational Excursions for the students of Classes XI-XII on 21 July 2018 saw the Science stream students visiting the National Science Centre in their search for newer inventions.

Commerce Stream students visited the Parle G Factory to understand the running of an Industrial House.

The Liberal Arts Stream students of Class 12  visited the  National Institute of Psychiatry to understand their subjects while the Class 11, got sensitised through a visit to the Silverline Old Age Home, Dwarka.

Take away for the Science Students at the Science Centre

It was all about learning science in interesting and fascinating way.  Applications of scientific principles like the Doppler’s  Effect, Bernoulli’s Theorem and many more,   Sphere Show made them learn about the research of NOAA (a part of NASA) on global warming,  planets in the solar  system, atmosphere and nuclear reactions in sun.

Students enjoyed the magic of science in a hands on manner.

For the Commerce stream students the  trip to Parle G factory was an exposure to the industrial work and production. They interacted with the workers and managers there to gain invaluable insights.

The Class XII students of Humanities stream went to National Institute of Psychiatry Dwarka and interacted with the doctors and patients there. It was an emotional journey for them into the workings of the human mind and the ailments therein. The students realised that what they read in the books is happening out there to real people.

The Class XI students of Humanities stream visited the Silver Lining Old Age Home Dwarka as part of their educational visit. It was a lesson in humanity for them in the manner that while interacting with the elderly; they realised that the old ask for only one thing and that is time and understanding from the young people. The students gained empathy and life lessons from the residents of the old age home that they would treasure for a long time.