Stay at home and follow the advisories issued by the Administration to combat the spread of the global COVID-19 pandemic

Dear Friends,
As you are aware, our country and the world as a whole are passing through unprecedented times due to Corona Virus outbreak namely COVID-19.  In order to combat the spread of the global COVID-19 pandemic, several safety measures and initiatives have been taken by the Administration.
To strengthen the efforts of Administration, we as citizens of this great country, have a responsibility of making the people aware of the preventive and precautionary measures to safeguard and check the further spread of this virus.
One of the most recommended preventive measures suggested by Doctors and experts are social distancing and avoiding the contacts with other people as far as possible. Frequently washing hands (with soap) for around 20 seconds and practicing respiratory hygiene also plays very important role to combat the spread of Corona Virus. 
On behalf of Dwarka Forum Governing Body, I appeal and request the residents of Dwarka Sub City to please stay at home and follow the advisories being issued by the Administration from time to time. If we keep patience and follow the guidelines being issued, we will definitely defeat this pandemic. Let us stand together for the well being of mankind during this challenging time.
The whole country is praising the efforts being made by Corona Warriors to ensure our safety everywhere. These corona warriors i.e. Police, Doctors, Nurses, Sanitary staff, Security Guards and many more are working tirelessly for our safety.  We are very lucky to have excellent and dedicated team of Police and other officials in the local Administration. Let us all applaud their work and also pray for their safety, as well.

We hope, you and your family are doing well and all your loved ones are safe and sound.  Let us pray together that we all emerge out of the current situation strongly and with good health.
Please take care, stay at home and be safe.

With warm regards, 
General Secretary,