THE GIVE CONCLAVE hosted Lions Council of India’s (LCI) to showcase contributions of corporates & NGO’s in community services

The Two day “The Give Conclave ‘ hosted by the  Lions Council of India (LCI) a social organisation began  in Mumbai today to showcase and demonstrate success stories of volunteer leadership and generosity, the event features about 200 Lions projects alongside contributions from 49 corporates and NGOs.

The Give Conclave was inaugurated at Jio world convention Centre, Mumbai today. This is an initiative of the Lions Council of India to showcase the service activities of Lions Club across the country, as well as partnerships with other corporates and NGOs.

This event also provides an opportunity for the investors of CSR funds to choose between various options of successful service initiatives which are run by Lions Clubs and other similar organisations, with a track record of transparency and best quality of delivery.

International President Dr Patti Hill, Second Vice President A P Singh and Veena Reddy, Director US Aid addressed the inaugural ceremony highlighting the need for community programs and the role played by non government sector. The event was conducted by Snageeta Jatia.

More than 200 stalls showcasing projects that address each of the Sustainable Development Goals of UN have been set up. The volunteers from Lions Clubs and other NGOs have been proudly making a pitch with their success stories. Besides, seminars included speakers from corporate sector and other renowned NGOs. There were panel discussions on funding opportunities, women empowerment, micro finance, diabetes awareness initiatives, hunger alleviation, environment protection.

Awards were presented to individuals with a track record of commitment towards service initiatives. Awardees included Anand Rathi, Ganpat Chowdhry, Jaspal Bindra, Shefali Goradia, Anjan Dasgupta, Karthikey. More than 5000 persons attended the Conclave today. MOUs for amounts in excess of 6 crores were signed for support to hospitals and schools run by Lions Clubs. Additionally, the attendees donated more than 1.5 crores for service initiatives.

“Drawing a diverse audience, the event has  over 10,000 people attending from Lions districts across the country and world over. Scheduled for two eventful days the Conclave stands poised to be a catalyst for collaboration and positive change in the realms of service and philanthropy. Basically it shall serve as the first of its kind of community service expo.” Said Lions International 2nd Vice President A P Singh.

“The Give Conclave is about celebrating the art of giving for community development. This is an event to share stories about what members of Lions Clubs have made possible by serving through their projects. The Give Conclave offers an opportunity for volunteer service providers like Lions club members, corporates, government authorities and other NGOs to come together and find ways of continuing to serve more effectively.” Said Mr Singh

“The Give Conclave is the meeting point for every individual and every entity committed to serving wherever need may be found. We have very often heard of trade fairs and exhibitions. The Give Conclave is an expo of humanitarian service. It brings together organisations like Lions Clubs, business houses engaged with CSR activities, other NGOs and government authorities. The Give Conclave will help build a bridge of understanding between all stake holders engaged in humanitarian service.” He added.